THE WILL OF JOHN BUTTERFIELD. dated February 8th 1849.
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Butterfield, Woolcomber of
Fearnincliffe in the Parish of Bingley and County of York.
I give and bequeath unto my wife Rebecca Butterfield all of my money and
securities, goods, chattels, personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever
found, upon trusts and for the purposes following (that is to say) upon trust
to convert with money, such part (if any) of my personal estate so bequeathed
to her as aforesaid as shall not consist of money, and require payment of
all money to me due or owing, and pay and discharge all my funeral and testamentary
expenses and all other monies by me owing. And I will and direct that she
shall or may have the use and enjoyment of the money which shall remain in
her hands after meeting such payments, or place the same out on good security,
with power to convert such security upon trust, and apply the same with the
interest thereof, together with all other monies and the rents of my buildings
for the use and purpose of maintaining herself during her life. And after
her death, I Will and Direct that my buildings, together with the appurtenances
thereto belonging he sold. together with all my other personal effects and
with the money produced by such sale together with all other monies (if any)
be divided as follows; namely in the first place deduct from the gross amount
of the money to be so divided the sum of Forty pounds; the residue to be divided
into eleven equal parts. And I Will and Bequeath two of the aforesaid parts
to my son Isaac Butterfield, two of the
aforesaid parts to my son Benjamin Butterfield, two of the aforesaid parts
to my daughter Faith Greenwood; two of the aforesaid parts to my daughter
Hannah Heaton, two of the aforesaid parts to my daughter Elizabeth Bradley
and the remaining eleventh part to my Grand-daughter Rebecca Duxbury. And
further I Will and Direct, that the Forty pounds deducted from the gross amount
to be divided into seven equal parts; two of the said seventh parts I will
and bequeath to my son Isaac Butterfield; two of the said seventh parts I
will and bequeath to my daughter Faith Greenwood; two of the said seventh
parts I will and bequeath to my daughter Hannah Heaton, and the remaining
one seventh part I will and bequeath to my Grand-daughter Rebecca Duxbury.
And further I direct that the legacy which I have bequeathed to my Grand-daughter,
(after my wife's decease), be placed out on good security and the interest
thereof to accumulate till she, Rebecca Duxbury, attain the age of
Twenty-one years then, if living, be paid to her in full; but in case she
die previous to her attaining the age of Twenty-one years, then and in such
case, I Will and Direct that the legacy be equally divided amongst my two
sons and three daughters; but in case any of them be dead too, then in such
case the money be given to his, her or their children (if any) in the same
manner as his, her or their parents would have received it, if living at the
time. And lastly I appoint my dear wife Rebecca Butterfield and my nephew
Benjamin Butterfield of Bingley in the aforesaid County of York to be the
Executrix and Executor. Executor of this my last Will and Testament, written
on the two preceding side of this sheet of paper. In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand this Eighth day of February in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Nine.
Signed by the said John Butterfield as and for his last Will and Testament
in the presence of us, who at his request, in his presence, and in the presence
of each other, have hereunto set our names as witnesses all at the same time.
Thomas Sutcliffe
Joseph Sutcliffe
The will is dated February 8th 1849. John died on March 21 1849, and although
mentioned in his will, Rebecca died a week earlier on March 14 1849.